What is very evident to me and probably most of the world; staying motivated every day is very difficult to sustain. I have often have felt that euphoria of wanting to make every second, of every minute, of every hour count. Not surprisingly, that euphoria often left me after tasks have been completed or some other thing the universe wanted to throw my way basically, got in the way. The length of time I have been able to keep myself motivated seems to fluctuate more often than I would like to admit. Sometimes it's a day, sometimes it's a week or more. Nothing I have heard, watched, or witnessed seems to be the golden ticket for me. That was until I started to think about how blessed I was to have my family. Game-changer! It is a pretty simple concept for most of us. The well-being of the people you care about the most, often trumps anything else. What I love about this, is the staying power family can have. Every day, I am exposed to the love, support, and energy of my wife, kids, and in-laws. Lucky for me, they offer up these things with very little expected in return. It's that selflessness which has been show to me, that allows me to focus on getting better everyday. I am realistic in my expectations because depending on who you ask, some days are way better than others, but the thought of being the care-taker for these amazing people keeps me pushing on. Hopefully, anyone who reads this can find the same feeling, or recalibrate their actions to match what they want. This has worked for me and has been an irreplaceable source of drive and focus. Try it our sometime maybe it will work for you!